who we are

The Methodist Church at Blackhill has been meeting in a church which was built in 1872.  Over its history, two other Methodist Churches have joined – Park Road Methodist and Shotley Bridge Methodist.  Since 2010 major issues with the fabric of the church were highlighted and because of the prohibitive cost of repair, the church council made a decision to demolish the building, which was made up of a sanctuary, an attached hall and ancillary rooms, and rebuild with an energy-efficient, modern multi-purpose facility which would be accessible to the community.

It is an exciting opportunity to move forward with God and follow His guidance for the future.  We will have a temporary home in Blackhill Community Centre in Derwent Street, and it is planned that the church will meet there for Worship on Sunday morning at 11 am as from 1st August 2021.

The people at Blackhill and Shotley Bridge offer a welcome to all who would like to joint them on their journey.