Delves Lane    
Church picture

Lambton Avenue, Delves Lane, Consett. Co. Durham DH8 7EP

Sundays at 11am

Minister: Rev Jenny Gill

For more information about our church and events please click here and visit our Facebook page.

                   Delves Lane  Church


17th Delves Lane Boys' Brigade

Our B.B. company meet in the church hall on Monday and Thursday and provide activities for boys from age 5 to 18 years.

Anchor Boys for 5 – 7 year olds meet at 6 pm on Thursday.

Junior Section for 8 – 11 year olds meet at 6.15pm on Monday.

Company and Senior Sections for 12 – 18 year olds meet at 7.45pm on Monday.

Our aim is to provide a wide variety of activities for boys of all ages including Christian teaching in line with our object.


Church Monday Group 

This group meets each Monday at 1.15pm. The members of the group decide what they want to do and suggest places of interest to visit.They discuss the world in general, often have very different views, raise money for charities and enjoy a cuppa and a chat & also includes a gentle seated exercise class.


Friendship Group

Delves Lane Methodist Church Adult "Friendship Group" meets on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month from 1 - 3pm. There are various crafts available, games, bowls, dominoes, with tea, coffee and biscuits served with lots of conversation and friendship.


Fellowship group 

Meet on alternate Tuesday evenings (2nd and 4th of the month) at 7.15pm for an evening of fellowship led by invited speakers. The evening always closes with tea and scones/biscuits and prayer.


Bouncy Church

Bouncy Church is held around 4 times per year on Friday’s at specific times during the year from 3 – 5pm. Meetings usually centre around the major events in the Church: Harvest, Christmas, Easter, Birthday Party.


Music and Dance Group (M.A.D.)


The MAD group meet each Sunday from 4pm to 8.30pm, to teach singing, dance and music to children and young people from age 4 upwards.

Modern styles of dance are taught and performed in concert and worship situations.

MAD usually hold two concerts per year at Christmas and at the end of the school year.

We also take part in various Carol Services and ad-hoc fundraising events.


We have an active Open the Book team who are trained and approved by the Bible Society to perform the Storyteller Bible stories to primary school children.

Our team visit the local primary school twice per month to lead the school assembly and are also involved in other specific faith days during the year. 

Quiet Prayer

Our Church is open to everyone for quiet prayer when any of our groups are meeting in the building.

How to Find Us.

How to find us

View North West Durham Methodist Circuit in a larger map