North West Durham Methodist Circuit

Deepening Discipleship, Making More Disciples

The Great 50 Days

Learning Network North East

The Great 50 Days reflections are now coming out each day between now and Pentecost.

A daily reflection written by folk in our Region - join us on the journey of the great 50 days.

We pray these will be a blessing, inspiration and comfort.  You can sign up here to receive these emails if you have not already registered your interest.

They are also being posted each day on our Facebook page 

Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed Alleluia! 

The Great 50 Days 2020: Forty One to Fifty

The Great 50 Days 2020: Days Thirty One to Forty

The Great 50 Days 2020:  Days Twenty One to Thirty

The Great 50 Days 2020:  Days Eleven to Twenty

The Great 50 Days 2020:  Days One to Ten