1st Medomsley Girls Brigade
We are the 1st Medomsley Girls’ Brigade Company. We are a Christian uniformed organisation and our group ranges from girls aged 4 - 17 years old. We currently have a membership of 45 - 50 girls who attend our weekly sessions on a Tuesday night. A typical session involves working towards badges through participating in games, crafts, singing, cooking, helping others in the community and working together. We have girls from all different backgrounds and faiths and as a non profit making organisation sometimes struggle to make ends meet.
For more information click here to enter the National Girls Brigade website
If you know anyone who would like to join us please email gb1stmedomsley@hotmail.com or text me on 07784463078 for information.
We meet on a Tuesday night in Medomsley Methodist Church Hall, Reception – Year 3 at 5.30pm – 6.45pm,
Years 4 – 5 at 6.30pm – 7.45pm
Years 6 onwards at 7.45pm – 9pm.
Margaret Hall